Stem and Leaf

Bringing your Plants Indoors during the Fall and Winter

Image of fashionable armchair and decorative flowers and plants in pots in flower garden

It’s getting colder and the days are getting shorter. Here’s how to give your cold-sensitive plants a fighting chance

If you brought your sun-loving plants outside, you already know that there are factors to keep in mind to successfully transition your plants’ environment. When bringing your plants back inside, there are a few steps to make sure your plants stay happy and healthy, and that you protect your already happy indoor plants. 

Make sure you Inspect

When plants are left outdoors, pests and disease find a way to let themselves in. Before bringing any houseplants back inside, be sure to inspect them. Check the stems, the tops and undersides of the leaves as that’s where pests like to hide.

Prune and Treat 

Don’t hesitate to remove any infested or dead leaves and based on the plant, treat as needed. 

If you notice a fungal infection, remove any infected leaves to prevent it from spreading and sterilize any tools that come in contact to prevent it from spreading to other plants.  


Its recommended  to quarantine the transitioning plants for a period of 1-2 weeks inside and away from the rest of your plant children because it can still carry microscopic pests. Not to mention the eggs from pests previously removed could very well be dormant in the soil and hatch once brought indoors.


Once your plants are cleared from quarantine and are looking refreshed, they can join the family. Make sure you are following up with the proper care, optimal sunlight and watering conditions.

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